It used to be green once

This text is about the story “It used to be green once” it was by Patricia Grace and this story was based on how she experienced having thirteen siblings, including herself would be fourteen. For this task our goal was to draw conclusions by showing evidence and proving our conclusion to the audience.

Multiples and Factors

Today we learnt about multiples, factors and prime numbers. A prime number can only be divided by itself and 1. A factor is a number that divides into another number like 2 is a factor of 4. A multiple is a number that can add by using times, for example 2 is a factor of 6 or 3 is a factor of 6.

Number Visuals

Here are our number visuals. We coloured the multiplies of 3,4,2 and more different types of colours, for example we coloured the number 2 orange because we saw a range of numbers that related to it by multiplying. We had to find a pattern in these shapes and numbers we also had to pair into different groups so we could work together with each other.

The Treaty of Waitangi Explanation


The Treaty of Waitangi


Why is the Treaty of Waitangi so important to New Zealand? The Treaty of Waitangi was made so it could protect and help both British and Maori share the land without it being stolen or purchased, though, in the end, the crown gave some of the lands back just not to its original owners. 


Well, the Treaty of Waitangi was made to protect Maori culture along with its traditional knowledge. The Maori wanted their culture and knowledge to be recognized and respected. The Maori had forests and lands that were to not be taken from them because of the protection they got from the treaty, the crown also got the Maori’s protection back and the rights of the British subjects. 


For instance, the Treaty of Waitangi is still important to New Zealand ever since its signing. It is New Zealand’s history and is the telling of how New Zealand became how it is today. Today the treaty is widely accepted to be a lawful document that provides and guides the relationship between the crown in New Zealand and Maori. 


The Treaty was also made not just for the agreement between the British and Maori but also for peace between them. New Zealand’s founding document was meant to be a partnership between Maori and the British. It was intended to create unity, but different understandings of the treaty and breaches of it have caused a war. The Maori who agreed to sign did it because they wanted the British to make laws about behavior, the Maori who signed the treaty trusted that the British would make laws that would be good for both them and the settlers. But badly enough from what happened in Taranaki, the laws were good for the government and settlers but not for the Maori.