The benefits of a 15 – 20 minute city
15 – 20 minute cities are the types of cities to have facilities or areas you need to reach or access within 20 minutes or less. Other cities around the world are slowly implementing this as it makes our lives much easier. This would also help advertise physical activities such as walking, running, cycling and more, with these types of cities there comes both benefits and limitations.
Information #1 Reduce the use of car dependency
Having 15 – 20 minute cities helps reduce the use of cars. This means it saves using money and time commuting to the area needed within a short distance. There wouldn’t be as much traffic as it is in normal types of cities, and the neighbourhoods are closer together meaning there would be less need for the use of cars. Reducing the use of cars means there would be less noise pollution, an harmful or annoying level of noise that disrupts anyone living nearby.
Information #2 Greater Accessibility
Another benefit of having a 20 minute city, is that people have more of a greater advantage of accessibility into areas needed. This means that shops for everyday essentials are close to home and so is health,education,parks, playgrounds and more. For example, if someone didn’t have any food at home to make and eat the grocery store is not that far away from home to get too. All these convenient areas should be accessible to people without the need of a car.
Information #3
A last benefit of a 20 minute city is better health and well being. How does having a 20 minute city help out with our health and well being? It helps by giving more opportunities for walking and cycling, providing more active and physical activities. For example, cycling,running,walking or any type of physical activity out in the sun can provide various things, such as, vitamin D, endorphins, and losing weight. This can bring people’s health benefits along with the improvements in the quality of life as it is also more time and more opportunities to socially interact with others.
In conclusion, 15 – 20 minute cities have a huge impact on people who live in different cities without convenient facilities. People become more active and traffic is reduced since everything is bundled up together there wouldn’t be as much use for cars as there is today. People see more neighbourhoods and that can strengthen the community by socially interacting with one another. These cities also give accessibility to the areas needed to commute within a couple of minutes.
Task Description:
For this writing task, we had to read a story about what a fifteen to twenty minute city was, we had to note down important information that we could add into our writing. For this I was glad I got to learn something new as well as write about. My highlight for this task was getting to do another explanation type of piece writing and my low light was having to read a lot of articles to get all this information. What I took from this was that the more I read the more knowledge I get from it. I hope you enjoy reading this.