Month: July 2022

Picture Story for homework

Story for homework, (Describing whats in the picture with 6 sentences)


As I walked down a sidewalk, I could see an elderly man sitting on a bench all by himself. As the snow fell I could see a bright red rose in his hands. He seems sad by the look on his fac, it was cold and misty I couldn’t bother to let him sit all by himself. I went to the elderly man and sat next to him. I didn’t know what to say. Staring ay the rose, he asked, “Have you ever lost a loved one?” I sat in silence for a bit then saying “Yeah..” as I thought about it the poor guy must have lost someone today. As he looked up in the sky he said, “My name is Chris” I replied with “and my name is Hannah,”  “Pretty name you’ve got,” Chris had said,” Haha thanks” I replied, “tonight looked beautiful don’t you think?” Chris had smiled and said “Thank you Hannah, you’ve really made me happy” As I turn to look over and see Chris was fading away. “Wait!” I exclaimed, “why are you dissapearing!?” As I tried to grab his arm he became transparent I sit in slicence looking to the sky and close my eyes sitting under the post lamps as the sun started to rise. as his soul flew into thee after life, he can finally be with his loved ones.

{Photo of image)

Going to KPMG

On Wednesday the 27th of July, exstention and chosen ones got to go on a trip to KPMG a building in Viaduct,Auckland. We were so excited and happy we got to go and we got introduced to the people that volunteered to stop their working at KPMG to show us what they do and what other people at KPMG’s work is. They told us that they worked with many bussiness places and that KPMG were just random words put together. We got to eat morning tea and lunch there, it was delicous,and we were happy that we got to eat the wonderful food made by the cook there. At the end we got to play with playh dough and got to animate it moving by taking photo by photo when it was 1:30 we had to leave the KPMG building saying goodbye to the lovely people that we met there, and they were nice and fun to meet, I’m glad I had this experience, it was wonderful and we got to keep the play dough and photos that we got there.


Thank you for reading this I hoped you enjoyed this because I sure did!


Meeting Measurement

Task decription: This is my maths task for this week to get us started in the term, We had to measure things and take photos and videos to show our measurements in different things. It started of with decimals than it went on to puting the words with the objects, and the last 2 were showing us how to use a ruler and to take the 3 photos or a short video with an explanation of how much centimeters and what we were measuring.