Month: September 2023

Vocab Swap

Vika Vocabulary Swap

Task Description:

For this task, I had to swap 10 adjectives or verbs with a friend and write a story about it, I really didn’t know what to write with the 10 adjectives or verbs that was given to me but I finally figured it out and wrote a long story. If you want to find out what I wrote about you can click on this link above this description!

DLO – Animation

Task Description:

For this term, we had to complete this DLO, (Digital Learning Online) and for this we had to draw on slides and try and animate a day of a child who has a balanced and healthy lifestyle. And some possible factors that could be included was, eating well, sleeping well, exercising, meditating, positive attitude and self talk. The animation had to include a voice over to add greater detail and information for the audience, the animation should have also included music to engage the audience.

Writing Task – Now or Never

Vika – Writing

Task Description:

For this Writing task, I had to choose two writing activities to do. I decided that I wanted to do this Writing Task. Which was about painting an image in the readers head. I tried my best to think about what I could write for the beginning of the story or if I wanted to make this story a horror or a normal story. I finally decided what I wanted to do with this picture and started writing. If you want to find out what I wrote about this picture you should click the link.

Thank you Ma’am: Response to text

Task Description:

Today for literacy, we had to finish off our reading tasks for this week. And for this first slide we had to kind of think about what the woman in the photo’s personality was, By the expression on her face I found it kind of hard to find her emotions. But I think I found some type of information about her personality, On the second slide for the second question I had to answer “What is Roger’s internal conflict?” This question was asked based of the scene of what was going on in the story, I thought it was because he didn’t know whether to run out the door or to listen to what Mrs. Jones said to do. For the rest of the slides I had to answer about the boys personality and his background, what I thought the main message of the story was and a video of me and my partner discussing why I thought that was the main message of the author and you should click on the video to find out more. (On the last slide)

Thank you ma’am – Word Associations Activity

Task Description:

For this task, I had to match words from this Word Bank and put reasons as to why I think that word had belong to the other word. I did the easier ones first because I thought if I started with the easier ones that the harder ones won’t be hard to find. For example, Barren and Frail both sounded that they belong to both Dessert and Elderly.

Algebra Operations

Task Description:

For today’s Maths task, we had to do this new task which was all about what operations we use for the equations given to us. For the first slide I think I had overthought it but I managed to kind of work my way through this by adding the cubed colored bags together and then I got my answer in this way, for the second slide it was the same but there two different questions and they were “Do any of the collections have the same total?” And my answer for that was yes, because if you go back to the first slide you will see that most of the collections held most of the same answers. And the second question asked “Why does this happen?” I didn’t really know what to say but I just said that I think the difference was in the numbers depending on how high or small it was to get to the same answer from different equations but still adding with different numbers. And for both the fourth and fifth slide it was to understand the orders of the operation, what I found hard about these two was that it did take a while to try and solve but I know that I have to start with the multiplication in these equations so I think from there it sort of helped me out. Overall I did do my best and I think that I could improve in this a lot if I do more.

Algebra 1

Task Description:

I can conclude that this Maths task was indeed very hard. For this task I had word problems to solve and though some of them sounded very puzzling some were actually very hard to do, I managed to successfully complete this task, I found every bit of this activity hard, I think I could do better but I don’t wish for more.

Albania Physical Poster

Task Description:

For today’s literacy, we had the whole block to finish our posters about our countries. I really didn’t expect to finish today because I was doing this on my own and I didn’t even start the poster, but I had a little faith that I was going to finish it today. This poster had to be about our countries and all the things we planned out for this. We could choose if we wanted to do a physical poster or a digital and for me it was kind of too late to do digital so I ended up doing a physical poster and I think I did pretty good for one person physical poster.