Day: July 22, 2023

Shapes Review

Task Description: For this maths task, I had to describe basic shapes based on their properties. For the first slide, it looks like it’s something easy to start the task off. I had to find other photos with other shapes the two examples were the shirt and the flower. On the second slide, it explains what the properties of a 2D shape were, it also explains sides,corners,verticals,angles and symmetry. On the third slide, I then have to explain the properties of each of the shapes. The example was the square and I had to continue this with the rest of the shapes. Lastly for the final slide, I had to name the shape that matched the description and put the shape image onto the slide. This I found very easy to do because I try and imagine the shape while I talk to myself about that very description. The success criteria for this was that I could recognise different types of shapes. Our WALT (We are learning to) for this was to group 2d shapes.

Dawn Raid 3

Task Description: For this task we had to read entries from Wednesday the 23rd of July to Friday the 21st of August, For this task I had comprehension questions to answer after I had finished reading the story. I have tried my best to find the answer while answering the comprehension questions by skimming and scanning through the text. I then had to choose two types of activity like things to do, I chose creating both the scene of Sofia learning how to jump onto the moving milk truck while passing out milk and creating a milk cart or Sofia’s money jar.