Tag: Maths

Expressions 2

For today’s math task, I managed to finish this task, my highlight for this task was getting this done and blogged. Also having to really understand the questions and the answers. I didn’t have a low light for this task and something I’ve learnt from this task is that not everything is as hard as it looks you just need to give it a go. I think I did really well and if I haven’t I did my best.

Expressions 1

Task Description:

For today’s Math session, I had to do this task and this task was about expressions. At first, my brain did not process what was happening in the equations given to me, until my teacher gave some examples on how to solve some of those equations. She had given us a few more so we could maybe start to really understand how the equations worked. My highlight for this task was getting to really learn how to do the equations by myself after learning how to do it which taught me how the letter with the numbers work. My low light for this task was trying to get the hang of doing the equations and I would like to work on doing more of these types of equations.

Amazing Algebra

Task Description:

For this task, I had to answer some questions about patterns in numbers and Identify the rule of it. I then had to say what I thought the 50th number was in properly every slide here. On the last slide I then had to multiply two and three digit numbers and do some division. My highlight for this task was I guess getting my brain thinking about the questions and my low light was having to think really hard for the answers, I think something I might work on is trying to find what the 50th number is, I found that quite tricky to do.

Introduction to Algebra!

Task Description:

For today’s Math session, we have a new task to do. And for this task we had to learn about Algerbra. I thought this task was going to be hard but I managed to learn how to do it, and it was easier than I thought. I worked along with Swaimah so we could figure out the answers together.

3D Representations

Task Description:

For this maths task, we had to learn about three dimensional models to two dimensional representations. I found this task not quite hard but not quite easy either, I found interesting to do though, because we had to re-create these abnormal shapes.  I found it hard at first but I think I improved along the way, my highlight for this task was to do something new and having to finish this and get onto algebra, my low light for this task was having to try figure out what belonged where was what because we had to use mats. Other than that this task was pretty average to do for me.

Confidence in Coordinates

Task Description:

Today for the middle block, we did maths. For maths we did concrete coordinates, basically more learning about coordinates, except this time, it was Paris Tourist Attractions. I found this task hard although I learn some more new things, especially attractions in Paris. We had to find some places in Paris and say what to coordinates were.

Converting Metric Untis

Task Description:

For today’s Math session, this was the new task we had to do for today. This task was all about length, mass and liquid volume. There were a lot of slides to complete, all related to measurement. My highlight for this task was getting to learn something new. And my low light for this task was that it had a lot of slides to complete though they all were pretty ok to do.

Testing Tranformations

Task Description: For today’s Math task, we had to test out these transformations, and learn about transforming shapes using reflection,rotation and translation. My highlight for this task was doing this with my friend and learning more new things, I didn’t have a low light for this task. I look forward to learning more new things.

Terrific Transformations

Task Description: For today’s Math session, we had to do this task of using reflection,rotation and translation. My highlight of the task was learning more about symmetry, and finding the mirror kind of shaped version of the shape. I didn’t have a low light for this task, I found this task completely ok to do. I hope to do more like this, so I can learn more!