Tag: Learning

Writing Task – Now or Never

Vika – Writing

Task Description:

For this Writing task, I had to choose two writing activities to do. I decided that I wanted to do this Writing Task. Which was about painting an image in the readers head. I tried my best to think about what I could write for the beginning of the story or if I wanted to make this story a horror or a normal story. I finally decided what I wanted to do with this picture and started writing. If you want to find out what I wrote about this picture you should click the link.

Thank you Ma’am: Response to text

Task Description:

Today for literacy, we had to finish off our reading tasks for this week. And for this first slide we had to kind of think about what the woman in the photo’s personality was, By the expression on her face I found it kind of hard to find her emotions. But I think I found some type of information about her personality, On the second slide for the second question I had to answer “What is Roger’s internal conflict?” This question was asked based of the scene of what was going on in the story, I thought it was because he didn’t know whether to run out the door or to listen to what Mrs. Jones said to do. For the rest of the slides I had to answer about the boys personality and his background, what I thought the main message of the story was and a video of me and my partner discussing why I thought that was the main message of the author and you should click on the video to find out more. (On the last slide)

Thank you ma’am – Word Associations Activity

Task Description:

For this task, I had to match words from this Word Bank and put reasons as to why I think that word had belong to the other word. I did the easier ones first because I thought if I started with the easier ones that the harder ones won’t be hard to find. For example, Barren and Frail both sounded that they belong to both Dessert and Elderly.

Algebra Operations

Task Description:

For today’s Maths task, we had to do this new task which was all about what operations we use for the equations given to us. For the first slide I think I had overthought it but I managed to kind of work my way through this by adding the cubed colored bags together and then I got my answer in this way, for the second slide it was the same but there two different questions and they were “Do any of the collections have the same total?” And my answer for that was yes, because if you go back to the first slide you will see that most of the collections held most of the same answers. And the second question asked “Why does this happen?” I didn’t really know what to say but I just said that I think the difference was in the numbers depending on how high or small it was to get to the same answer from different equations but still adding with different numbers. And for both the fourth and fifth slide it was to understand the orders of the operation, what I found hard about these two was that it did take a while to try and solve but I know that I have to start with the multiplication in these equations so I think from there it sort of helped me out. Overall I did do my best and I think that I could improve in this a lot if I do more.

Word Problems

Task Description:

For this task, I had to do these words problems, and in them contained both words and numbers for me I don’t really do good in word problems because sometimes I misread or don’t understand what or where the equation is in it, and since today was the day to get this, I can say I did need a little bit of help. Me and my friend did this together and we solved each question on our own, and if one of us needed help, we would both work on the slide together. My highlight for this task was giving the word problems a go and trying to solve it out, the low light for this was that some of these word problems were confusing to understand but I managed to understand in the end.


Think before you share – Cybersmart Challenge

Task Description:

For this task, I had to do this cyber smart challenge, The highlight for this task, is learning what to post and what not to post. These are things I think should be posted and shouldn’t be posted, I didn’t really have a low light for this task because it was really easy to do. I don’t think I had to work on anything for this task since it was really nice,easy,simple and quick.

Expressions 3

Task Description:

For this task, I had to go through these questions and answer each one, I found this kind of confusing for the way it looked, but I had some help from friends in my group. I managed to finish this task, my highlight for this task was getting better each time I do these types of equations and my low light was I guess trying to take a photo of my maths book to show my working out. What I think I could work on is trying to solve these equations in my head instead of on the book this way it is quicker and more efficient for me to do my work.


Starting last week or the week before that, my class had started to do skits. We started with doing a bus stop going around the class to each of these big papers with a group with people we don’t usually get along with and start writing ideas of what we think about the question. I found that kind of interesting because I get to work with people I don’t usually talk to or work with. I found the bus stop interesting to do as well. When we started doing skits we had to also get into groups of people we didn’t know and it had to be like boy, girl type of groups. Out of all the skits that we did this week, last week and maybe the week before that. I already forgot which paper my group had done but it was one that was involving one person having to feel frustrated or angry alone at the table and the other two having to do both the right and the wrong thing I think on supporting the person that was angry. What my take away from this was learning what I could do or any other person in my class can do when someone in our school/team is feeling angry or frustrated. What I enjoyed from this was getting to work with other people than people who I’d normally work with, watching other people perform their ideas was also cool because I could tell what their main take away from it was. I could tell many people who performed was inspired by my group because we did something that the other groups didn’t do and the week after people had started to take that idea and form it into theirs which I thought was cool. I had no low light because this was something really cool I’ve done with my class. 

Expressions 2

For today’s math task, I managed to finish this task, my highlight for this task was getting this done and blogged. Also having to really understand the questions and the answers. I didn’t have a low light for this task and something I’ve learnt from this task is that not everything is as hard as it looks you just need to give it a go. I think I did really well and if I haven’t I did my best.

Expressions 1

Task Description:

For today’s Math session, I had to do this task and this task was about expressions. At first, my brain did not process what was happening in the equations given to me, until my teacher gave some examples on how to solve some of those equations. She had given us a few more so we could maybe start to really understand how the equations worked. My highlight for this task was getting to really learn how to do the equations by myself after learning how to do it which taught me how the letter with the numbers work. My low light for this task was trying to get the hang of doing the equations and I would like to work on doing more of these types of equations.