Dawn Raid 3

Task Description: For this task we had to read entries from Wednesday the 23rd of July to Friday the 21st of August, For this task I had comprehension questions to answer after I had finished reading the story. I have tried my best to find the answer while answering the comprehension questions by skimming and scanning through the text. I then had to choose two types of activity like things to do, I chose creating both the scene of Sofia learning how to jump onto the moving milk truck while passing out milk and creating a milk cart or Sofia’s money jar.

Pi and Circles

Task Description: Today for this task we had a recap on triangles. We also learned how to find the Diameter, circumference and area of a circle, I thought this was gonna be hard because of the big words, but when I really learnt it I found out that this was easier than I thought it would be. I hope to do more of this in the future! I hope you enjoy!

2 Dawn Raid – 20th June – 3rd July

Task Description: For this reading task, we had to read a few more pages about the Dawn Raid and answer these comprehension questions, for some of these questions I had to go back into the story and skim and scan for the answers. And finally for the last task I had to choose two activities that I thought that I could do and I chose to do the diary entry and the emoji story. I thought the emoji story was gonna be easy until our literacy teacher said that we had to make the emoji’s ourselves. I found that challenging till I tried, Our WALT for this task was monitor ourselves to read through a novel and to know we’ve done this is when we know that we can keep up with my group. If I fall behind I catch up and play an active part in our group discussions. 

Area and Volume of 2D and 3D shapes

Task Description: For this maths task, we had to learn about area,volume, 2D shapes and 3D shapes. This was a bit tricky for me to do, but I managed to get through this task efficiently, I watched the following videos to help me understand each slide. Which they did, I think my answers to the following slides were correct and I hope they were. Our WALT for this task was choose the appropriate form of measurement and our success criteria was when we knew how to measure length, volume and mass. 

Thank you for coming on to my blog and seeing this!

Dawn Raid – Informational Report

Vika Dawn Raid_ Informational report

Task Description: For this task, we had to write an informational report about the dawn raids. We had to make sure it was in our own words and had to have diagrams to show how things were back then. I found this really tricky to do, since this was way past when I was born, I tried my best on finding information based on whats happened in the past. I researched a lot and it will hopefully be something new that you learn today about the dawn raids. Our WALT (“WALT” meaning We Are Learning To) for this task was to monitor ourselves to fully complete a task and to effectively plan before we start writing. Our success criteria when we know we’ve done that is every element of the task is completed on time and that we have recorded down the information I will use to form my writing. 

Units of Measurement

Task Description: For this maths task, we had to learn about units and measurements. Our WALT for this task was to convert between different metric lengths. I found this very interesting to do with my group, as with my friends. And managed to post this on my blog today! Thank you for coming on to my blog today!

1 Dawn Raid – 20th June – 3rd July

Task Description: For this task we had to answer the following questions about the story we had read. Which was called “Dawn Raid” I found this story interesting even though we had to read thirty-one pages of it. On the last slide of this task we had to choose two activities, and I chose to do a design for the boots Sofia wants and how I would want my perfect day to go. Our WALT for this task was to monitor ourselves to read through a novel and to keep up with my group. If I fall behind I catch up, and just playing and active role in group discussion. Our literacy teacher discussed with us that we would be reading parts of the story for the coming weeks. It would take us maybe 5-6 weeks. I enjoyed doing this activity as well as reading the story. I hope you are satisfied with my answers to these following questions! 

Made to Measure

Task Description: For this task, we had to learn about something called a “Hypotenuse” which sounded really hard at first. I sort of get it now but not fully, I enjoyed doing this on the mat with my group. When we all struggled together, in the end we managed to complete this. I hope you learn something new from these slides!