Home learning,Term 3 2022, Literacy

The hero of Numbani – Novel by Nicky Drayden


(What I’ve read so far)

Efi had been making robots since she was little, she would always get embarassed when it would fail infront of her fails again and again. She never gave up because she thought if she was succesful in one, it would have made the world a different place. And as hope fades away for her, her best friend Naade tries to help her by finding videos on how to build robots and inructions on how to make it walk and talk.


(My predictions)

I predict that Efi is succesful in engineers a robot. And it is succesful in helping Numbani and destroy’s all evil that happens furher more in the story. With her bestfriends helping her defeat them along with the bot who hopefully does destroy the evil people/bots in the story.


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