Team challenges

Today for the first session, we had to make a bridge out of paper that could hold the weight of a squishy dice. We had to work together with people we hadn’t worked with before to be able to communicate with them and accept others’ ideas while at it. We got different colored paper and started, our group had creative ways to build a bridge but it just didn’t work, so we just put the paper on top of the paper.

The next thing we did was we had to make a sky tower out of straw it was hard but we tried to make it look 3D and in these photos, you can see it looks like a house on the side of the cups. It took a lot of tape and effort, some of the straws fell as we tried to hold it up to stick together, then we had 1 minute to accomplish the tower we had to rush through it but made it at the end.

Finally, the last challenge was to stack up cups with string and rubberband without using our hands, we got different colored cups as a team each and worked together to stack one on top of another in the end we made it to the top and accomplished all three challenges!

In the end, this was all about teamwork and participation, including others that we don’t usually work with, and most importantly having fun!


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